Enough of the blather. All the tools to solve the housing crisis are within easy reach of the State,
How many times have we seen it; the abject failure of the state and its institutions to see the blindingly obvious solutions to societal...
For SMEs, forget bank loans to fund growth. Now equity investment is the only show in town, but the
In or about 2005, at meetings of the Alliance of Business Lawyers of which my firm was the Irish representative, I would describe the...
Changes in what qualifies as family require a rethink on treatment of farming assets
Farmers know about the potential threat caused by marital breakdown to traditional holdings. However, remarkably few will do anything...
It’s time to make difficult decisions regarding the treatment of insurmountable mortgage debt
With greater enforcement activity by frustrated lenders, the Government needs to make a choice between the interests of society...
Despite recent high profile court decisions, there is no restriction to access to compensation for l
The press and airwaves have been inundated with complaints of exorbitant insurance premiums, which according to the insurance industry...
Personal guarantees, SME debt and “vulture” funds – a recent decision gives grounds for borrowers to
As so-called “vulture” funds put the squeeze on SME borrowers to dispose of assets to liquidate their portfolios, we need to be reminded...
Clarity is emerging regarding the position of directors of companies to which examiners have been ap
The decisions of Mr Justice Clarke in In re Tony Gray & Sons Limited (“Tony Gray”)[1], and Ms Justice Finlay Geoghegan in In re Eylewood...
Is examinership lite the solution for SMEs facing restructure difficulties?
While further amendment of the provisions of the Companies (Amendment) Act 2013 (“the Act”) would provide greater clarity for all...
Contractor/developers must be registered for first time buyers to benefit from Help to Buy scheme
The Help to Buy (HTB) incentive is designed to assist first-time buyers with obtaining the deposit required to purchase or self-build a...
Processes, processes.
The remarkable decision in the case reported in this recent newspaper article; http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/worker-banned-from-go...